Sarimbun Recycling Park Redevelopment, Singapore

  • Lead


  • Client

    National Environment Agency

  • Location


  • Scale


  • Status


  • Services

    Biodiversity Survey & Impact Assessment

  • Use


  • Year


Project Summary

bioSEA was engaged by AECOM to conduct a biodiversity impact assessment for the redevelopment of Sarimbun Recycling Park, located in the Lim Chu Kang area in the northwestern part of Singapore. 

Aiming to evaluate its ecological value and propose mitigation measures aligned with nature-sensitive redevelopment goals.

The study began with a comprehensive ecological baseline assessment of the SRP site and its surrounding areas. This included habitat mapping, tree tagging, tree health assessment, flora and fauna surveys inclusive of bioacoustic surveys to assess biodiversity richness. 

Key findings included diverse habitat types such as mangroves, secondary forests, and scrublands, which support a variety of species and significant flora and fauna, including globally threatened species such as the Straw-headed bulbul and Saltwater crocodiles. Ecological connectivity modelling identified critical movement corridors for key species, highlighting the need to preserve linkages with nearby protected areas like the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

Based on the results, the study proposed mitigation strategies such as creating ecological corridors, restoring critical habitats, and implementing design measures to minimize disruption to wildlife.

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